This Good News Of The Kingdom Will Be Preached Throughout The World As A Testimony To All Nations. Then Will Come The End.

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– Dzaleka Tabernacle Church –

Legal notice

General Terms of Use
This is the official website of dzaleka tabernacle church (registered association).
Access and use of this website are subject to the following regulations. If you not agree to these terms, please do not access this website. At our discretion, we reserve the right to entirely or partially change our website as well as the terms of use or cease its operation without notice. Therefore, we ask that you review these terms again at your next visit to this website and take note of any amendments.

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All of the information, documents, pictures and audio sequences, and presentations released on this site are largely the exclusive property of dzaleka tabernacle church Otherwise, the copyright or source of reference for the content is provided. The permission for their use is subject to the condition that the information is utilized solely for personal, non-commercial purposes and that the information is not altered in any way.

Area of Responsibility
This legal notice applies only to the official website of the dzaleka tabernacle church and its multilingual translations

Third Party Sites / Links
The internet presence of the dzaleka tabernacle church. is part of the World Wide Web and can, among other things, contain links or references to third party websites, which can change at any time. These links to third party websites were closely examined for any possible conflict with moral, ethical, or legal principles before they were incorporated. Nevertheless, they do not necessarily constitute endorsement of their contents on the part of the dzaleka tabernacle church. The dzaleka tabernacle church. does not assume any responsibility for the availability or the content of such websites nor any liability for losses or injuries that result from the use – regardless of application – of such contents. Links to other websites are made available to the users of this website strictly as a convenience. Any connection to these websites is made at the user’s own risk. Furthermore, the liking from third party websites to the website of the dzaleka tabernacle church. does not necessarily constitute agreement with its contents on the part of the dzaleka tabernacle church

Service Provider
Dzaleka tabernacle church

in the Malawi Government register at the Dowa district court, dept. 44 VR Nr. 2227

Brother Mwamba Mukonga 

Mailing Address

Fast Direct Communication
Tel.: +265985735170

Purpose of this Website
The information on this website serves exclusively as the presentation of the dzaleka tabernacle church

Jesus Christ is the Same yesterday Today and forever (Heb 13:8)